Hello! We are excited to inform all our customers and friends that Triple LLL Truck Repair has decided to upgrade our business once again in a big way. As you read this letter, the shop at Andrews is already undergoing a huge addition, makeover, and remodel. If you drive by our location on the north side of US Highway 24, you will notice that we are both doubling the size of the shop and resurfacing the outside of the entire building. And, the improvements stretch even further than size and aesthetics. The upgraded facility will feature the following:
- TWO laser alignment systems
- THREE drive-thru truck / trailer repair bays
- Consolidated inventory all in ONE location
- Twice the tools and equipment throughout one shop
- Larger, more spacious customer lounge with all the amenities (WIFI, television, kitchenette)
- More office space and areas to interact with the owner, shop manager, and office personnel

Additional benefits won’t be as visible as the remodel, but we think that our customers will be pleased. First, the Andrews location off US 24 will offer easier access compared to the smaller state road at the previous location. Second, there is a designated turn lane for all traffic entering our Andrews location that will make entering the facility safer and easier for all our customers. Third, the expanded parking area will allow more space for customer truck and trailers. Fourth, the Andrews shop is only 15 miles from the previous location and there are only 2 traffic lights along the way. Finally, we are very excited to have all our management and technicians back in one location following the improvements. Triple LLL Truck Repair will be positioned to meet all your alignment, maintenance, parts, and repair needs moving forward into 2020! And, we are looking forward to serving you!
BOTH LOCATIONS CLOSED to move equipment + inventory > DECEMBER 1 – 7
If you have any questions or concerns about the move to one consolidated location at Andrews, please give us a call or send an email. We would love to talk to every customer and tell you about the improved service that we can offer in our upgraded facility at the consolidated Andrews location of Triple LLL Truck Repair!
8254 West 300 North
Andrews, IN 46702